Aroma Freedom
Aroma Freedom Techniques use Young Living Essential Oils to identify and release negative thoughts, feelings, and memories that interfere with reaching our goals and dreams. Using Young Living Essential oils, certified practitioners guide you through a gentle process that introduces a permanent shift in how we view ourselves and the world. Aroma freedom, while something I utilize within my therapy practice, is something that can be done alone, without further therapeutic intervention. Call 908-386-4200 to schedule your session today. Packages are available at $300 for three sessions.
It all started when…
I am a lover of natural things and essential oils are part of my daily life. I use and represent Young Living Essential Oils and was delighted when I discovered Dr. Benjamin Perkus’ Aroma Freedom Techniques. I offer sessions of Aroma Freedom separate from counseling, or as part of your therapy journey if you are a client. Non-clients may choose to register as a member of Young Living with me if they choose to purchase their own to use on their own at home; all the oils used in Aroma Freedom Memory Release Blend are part of the premium starter kit that you can purchase here.
Clients…while I cannot sell memberships to you, I have the oils on hand for your use in sessions. I am happy to refer you to an authorized distributer.